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REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 2002 to Present .... Amanda Jo Indorf Zachary Joseph Ingram Dorian Jevon Irvin Jr. Justin Allan Jacobs Megan Marie Janson Kayla Leeann Johnson Natisha Renee Johnson Stephen Everett Johnson John William Jones Karyn Rae Jones Pagie Blaine Jordan Aaron Scott Karcher Cody Nicholas Karstetter Rachel Ann Keagy Ryan William Kear Cassie Delaney Keith Jessica Renae Keller Marissa Morgana Kelley Jason Michael Kemp Arin Zachary Kenard ...
Try to find a hotel in NY in 20 inches of snow after EVERY other airline cancelled. Hah...found one hotel in a seedy part of town for $229 a night, in good weather it was $119. Told me hey it is our last room take it or leave it...should have ..... Posted By John Indorf on September 6, 2007, 1:18 PM. Flight from Orange County to Philly connecting in Vegas on US Air three weeks ago. Upon landing in Vegas find out flight to Philly cancelled. Get in line with co-worker. ...